Saturday, February 26, 2011


It's challenging to get moving.

I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir.

Yet, it's still a push even though I know it's coming.

I'm pretty sure that my gym has figured out the way to get me in more. Invite the toddler to have a grand time. They had her hook, line and sinker with the purple balloon.

She's been playing with it since Tuesday. :)

Alright... here are the ideas:

- 30 miles in 30 days Sounds cool right..except I don't run...

- Meatless March: this is apparently so common. There isn't just one site devoted to it. I am kind of digging this one because I don't like cooking meat at home. I'm okay with eating it, but I don't like to have to handle/ smell it.

- H2O Boost. I'm not a water person. I really don't like it but it's definitely something I need. I see it in my skin and feel it in my hair... my cells are calling out for it.

- Menu Plan: I think it's just necessary at this point knowing just how busy my days are about to become.

What do you do to challenge yourself to do the healthy things? Make the good choices more interesting?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

-1 + 1 = 0 ?

Two things happened today that i think, effectively cancel each other out.

In my effort to make a good choice, I signed up for spinning tonight at Good Friends Group Fitness and signed Abi up for the kids playhouse. Class starts at 5:30 and we got there at 5:40. I decide we are not going to go, but there is a catch. Abi knows we are going and knows that she has two friends from school that also come here to play. Silly mommy. We stay, Abi plays and I watch her because I'm late. FAIL.

We get home, have dinner (good choices were made), and I get Abi into bed. I spend the next hour catching up on my blog reading for the night and realize.... I WON THE YOGURT GIVE AWAY!!!!! Over at edible perspective, Ashley was doing reader appreciation week and this was the last of the giveaways.

Yes I know it's yogurt, but we can go through some yogurt in this house. And who doesn't like winning stuff?!

Btw, if you've stumbled here from the edible perspective... HI!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

"Make a healthy choice... now make another"

These are some pretty wise words I've seen twice tonight both at Healthy Tipping Point and over at Peas and Thank you (granted Mama pea didn't exactly say those words but that was the gist).

Here's the thing, I'm not terribly religious but sometimes I think things happen not merely by coincidence. For me reading both of these tonight and then having my sister in law here this weekend were things I needed to hear.

See my sister in law has a different path than I do, one that some might say is more difficult. Well this weekend when given the option to abandon her plan for the weekend, she actually made plans to make sure she had time to work out. ON VACATION SHE IS WORKING OUT! :) She made one choice, and then another.

I feel like I really only have time to do one thing each day outside of work. I can either go to the gym or I can do laundry. I can work out or I can make dinner. It stinks, but it's life. I am having to remind myself that no one expects me to do it all and I shouldn't expect myself to do an immediate about face either.

I need to make a healthy choice...