Thursday, January 6, 2011


In my head, that's always how that word sounds. Don't know what I'm talking about, here you are.

Anyway, I was reading over at Peas and Thank you about her picks and what brought her to the choices that she has made for her family. You know it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside. Though we aren't vegetarian or vegan like the peas, the choices I've made with regards to how we live our life have definitely been little one inspired. (I probably shouldn't call her the "little one" in anymore, she isn't so little).

When I was pregnant with Abi I ate a lot of fruit. I couldn't get enough fuji apples. Realizing I was eating my weight in fruit on a monthly basis, I started eating organic fruit. In addition to following the normal rules for what to eat and what not to eat while pregnant, I started reading about food issues. We started making conscientious choices about the food we were getting instead of just getting the bananas that were just so (bright yellow, no spots, 40 % or less green). She was the cause. I wanted to be better for her, I wanted to give her a fighting chance. The lease I could do was to eat things that couldn't do her any harm.

Once she was here, that kind of increased to making sure that we always had things that were for her- food that I could feel okay about giving her. Now it has become that we, as a family, eat as locally and organically as possible. My father in law is relentless in the teasing about this, it's annoying. I joke with him, but in the end I hope that he gets it. He (and really anyone else who cares) understands that the choices we have made are because, I feel like, it's the least we could do.

1 comment:

  1. Keep on, girl. You're doing the right thing! Abi will grow up without all the pesticides, hormones, and preservatives that have made the older generations struggle with obesity, allergies, heart disease, and general imbalance. How awesome is it that you made the conscientious choice to bring goodness into this world?! Thank you for preserving the wellness of the future 'lil bit' at a time.
