I know, I know. I've been missing this outlet lately. To be honest, I've been missing all the fun things I like doing like reading blogs, yoga, television. Work has kept me so busy that I've just been doing the minimum with regards to the fun bits.
Now, things are starting to slow down and guess what?! I'm tired! :)
I'm enjoying catching up on things and I have some things to share.
- Water consumption is up... okay it's the small things. I usually have at least one bottle of water a day. That second bottle is always a little tricky. When I pick up the little one from school, I don't drink anymore water. Yes I know you're supposed to share with your kids, but I don't want to share with her the fake sugar that is in the mix-ins I use. So I don't finish my 2nd bottle and they have been collecting. I've been throwing them in the fridge, so later in the evening I can just grab a cold bottle of water. See what I'm doing there? See?
- Activity is up... sorta. Okay so my yoga pass will expire at the end of this month. I had 9 classes to use in 4 weeks. They do not have child care. As a result the class I can really make it to consistently is 8:30 AM on Saturday morning. It's essentially Yoga Boot-camp, though of course that is not what it's called. I like this class a lot because it hurts so good, and it gives me a jump to my day. I've also been attempting to keep gym/ yoga clothes in the car in case of exercise emergencies. (You know if the world is ending and we only need someone do some side plank for 30 seconds. I'm you're girl.)
- Remember I was gushing about something called the "Healthy Living Summit"? Well they announced the when and the where. I've already asked off from work and scoped out airline tickets.
- I've also wanted to be/ have more fun. I find at times I get bogged down in the everyday, and then I look up and the whole week has flown by. So I've done an impulsive weekend trip, and I've got some fun trips coming up this summer.
So what are you guys doing? Are you making life what you want it?
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