Monday, December 13, 2010

Move it!!

I, like many I'm sure, have a ridiculous amount of trouble getting my day started. Throw a two year old, soon to be three year old, into the mix and well it's enough that I make it to work before lunch time. Now that the husband has really started to go hard core into cranking out the work to get us out of here/ graduate, I've little to no time to get moving. At one point I was going to yoga two to three times a week, and you know what? I miss my mat.

Baby steps are being made to work in some activity, but I really think it's going to come down to really kind of squeezing it in wherever I can. Kind of a get in where I fit in situation. On that note, tonight I was reading over on Gracefulfitness and Faith talked about a challenge of sorts called "Comment, Commit". Basically she is challenging you to comment on her rough plan to get her heart rate up throughout the day, but then also you list your own commitment. I've two for tomorrow.

  • 25 minutes of dancing like no one else is around
  • 25 minutes of yoga at the end of the day
I can totally do that, and I think I've started with something easy. Let's see if it sticks. 

Sunday, December 5, 2010

A new week begins

Today has been a slow and yet interesting day. Abi woke me up by coming into our room and saying "I'm all done with sleeping now". Sounds great to me! This is a definite change from the usual, crying with no words of explanation.

We got up, breakfast was had and the coffee was made. We worked on some letters, worked on our spanish (courtesy of La Casa de Mickey), and now she is down for a nap. Abi and I actually worked side by side at the kitchen table, she on her letters and mommy on the menu for the week. This a very loose menu for the week, sometimes I'm successful and other days not so much. I'm trying to be more consistent, but also allowing some wiggle room for when life and my taste buds have other plans.

In planning for this week, I've sought out a few different resources:, our co-ops magazine, the freezer and The Gorgeously Green Diet: How to Live Lean and Green! This book is awesome, to the point where I think our mail man may be bringing me a slightly used copy for my very own. I picked up the copy I'm perusing over at the library and can we say AWESOME?! I've spent a good bit of my table time reading, and realizing some new ideas to add to our spectrum of green. What I love best about it is that the author, Sophie Uliano, understands that there are different ways and also different circumstances that affect our green. Even better, SHE ACTUALLY WRITES THE BOOK WITH THAT IN MIND!

SHUT THE FRONT DOOR! (Okay, forgive me, I've always wanted to say that.)


They have a newsletter!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

What the heart wants...

is to be a good mother. Yeah an easy task to be sure.. lol. In truth it is probably the hardest and the best thing I've ever attempted. Of course some days are easier than others, like last week.

Last week was Thanksgiving, so that meant I had full days with the toddler. It was great. We hung out, we played, we acted silly, and then we cuddled. Holiday gatherings always mean the sharing of beds in my family. Since getting married I've been upgraded and not had to share a bed with anyone but my husband. Well this Thanksgiving I shared a bed with the toddler for the first time in a long time. It had it's rough moments (feet in the stomach) but overall it was okay with some really sweet moments. The best was the middle of the night hug and kiss, sometimes delivered by a still sleeping little one. I say all of that to say, tonight was NOT one of those moments.

Tonight was one of those moments where I doubt my own sanity because I've said I want more kids. Tonight was a battle of the wills between me and the little one. Literally from the time I arrived at her school, each subsequent step required a fight. Wash your hands, NO. Put your scarf on, NO. Put your coat on, NO. If life were easier there definitely would have been a stand in or someone who I could have tapped into my place or that easy button would really exist. Stupid commercials.

However, that really isn't how life works. So tonight for 45 minutes, she screamed. She screamed about everything. She wanted to be anywhere, but with me. You pick a store, she named it as where she wanted to go. Frankly anywhere would have been better than getting in the car. Who can blame her? She has a set of lungs that wont quit.

At the end, reason and logic prevailed. She put her outerwear on and walked in the house. And for the rest of the night, my sweet baby was there. As I tucked her in, she kissed and hugged and kissed some more. She wanted "lots of kisses" and who doesn't love that.