I've figured it out, though I'm not sure what I'm going to do if we ever live in a climate that makes having a something cold to drink year round a little ridiculous.
Okay, I'm sure that if you are a frequent blog reader you're familiar with the green monsters or SIAB(AKA= Smoothies in a bowl). This is something that many of those in the healthy living area are already all over. Yeah, I'm a little late to the party.
But here's the thing, I think Mama Pea is onto something.
Alright, I'll stop blathering on and just say it.
How do you get a little person to eat their veggies?
Trick question, you don't. Have them drink them.
Okay, stay with me. Tonight, Abi decided she was perfectly content to just have pizza for dinner. She didn't really want her mac and cheese from last night... well she did but not the "green stuff" (spinach) that I had put in it. (It actually tasted really good, and I am planning to have it for lunch tomorrow.)
So I ask her what she wants for dinner, going through the contents of the fridge. She wants pizza...GREAT! I have no problem with pizza but unless I've really jazzed it up with a truck load of veggies it just doesn't do it for me as a main entree for her. So I'm thinking tonight, what can I add to her pizza to make me feel better.
That's when I have my aha moment. She can have a smoothie. We've been having smoothies for a while, but usually I've made them for me and she wants some. Tonight, she is my audience and bonus I've all the contents in the fridge.
Including the despised frozen spinach! I add a huge hunk of it, I'm talking the size of two her little fist. To hide that distinctive green color a bit, I throw in some frozen blueberries to the mango smoothie mix from Jamba Juice (Earthfare has them on sale right now).
The taste, not half bad. Okay... it's really good and I don't even like mango. What's better than that, she is currently sucking down some spinach in a cup none the wiser.
So do yourself and the parents in your life a favor. When their little person has another gift giving holiday or just because you like them, get them a decent blender/personal drink mixer. Tell them to throw in their favorite smoothie ingredients along with some spinach.
Their kid will drink their veggies and you will be highly favored... especially over that person who buys them toys that eat batteries.